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ASL Services Provided by Beth Lester

My name is Beth Lester and I work for Indiana Mold Remediation as a part-time office assistant. I also have a background in American Sign Language/English interpretation. As a result, I can facilitate communication between our employees and you, our customer, giving you access to information about your home’s specific remediation needs and answers to your questions about remediation; allowing you to make the best decisions for your home and family.

Some of the services that I can provide are:

  • Assistance with scheduling mold estimates, testing, or remediation work.
  • Video interpretation services during a virtual inspection.
  • Facilitating in-person communication during inspections, testing, and throughout the remediation project.

Send us a text or email requesting ASL services, and I will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

My Background

When I was in 3rd grade, I was introduced to American Sign Language (ASL) through a booklet I was given on a field trip. I was so enthralled with the language that I went home and told my mom I wanted to become a sign language interpreter. Naturally my mom thought it was just a passing phase, but I never changed my mind on that decision. When my mom began teaching my brother and I at home, I was able to choose ASL as my foreign language, which was not an option in public school at that time. I began learning from books (not a great option, I know), then from video tapes, and also began attending functions in the Deaf community to improve my vocabulary. My thanks to all those who were patient with my constant need to fingerspell words I did not know the sign for! When I graduated high school, I attended Bethel College, now Bethel University, and earned my B.A. in ASL/English Interpretation.

After graduation, I found an interpreting position in Indianapolis with Deaf Community Services, and with my new church, Speedway Church of Christ. Through church I met my husband, Aaron and continued working in the interpreting field until 2010, when our first child was born. I then stepped out of the interpreting field to focus on raising and teaching our children.

Benefits of ASL Interpretation in Mold Remediation

When our children were a little older, I began working as an office assistant for Indiana Mold Remediation. Being fluent in ASL, I have been on inspections in-person to facilitate communication between our employees and deaf customers. This allows for a more personal experience where communication is clear and efficient, and questions can be answered in a clear, concise, and timely manner.

Beth Lester began studying ASL in elementary school, took ASL as a foreign language in high school, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in ASL/English interpretation from Bethel College. She worked as a community interpreter for seven years, including time as an interpreter for Speedway Church of Christ. Mrs. Lester left the interpreter field to care for her children, but is still very involved with the church and works part-time as an office assistant at Indiana Mold Remediation.