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Mold Inspection Services

Rely on decades of experience and expert training for your mold inspection. With top-tier education, advice, and testing, we help you identify mold issues. assess mold damage. formulate a plan. take action. improve air quality. breathe more easily. protect your family. care for your pets.

Call or Text (317) 867-4766

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crawl space mold inspection with a flashlight

Why Do I Need a Mold Inspection?

There are several reasons to consider a professional mold inspection. Our expert mold inspectors, with their decades of combined experience, excel in identifying hidden mold. We can determine whether you have a mold issue in your home or business; and if you do have an issue, we can determine the extent of the mold growth and the steps you need to take to eliminate the problem.

What Are the Types of Mold Inspections?

There are two types of mold inspection, invasive and non-invasive; however, there are variations in between and add-ons to consider.

Visual Mold Inspections

Conducted on-site, this is a non-invasive inspection where your inspector will look for clues of mold growth, water damage, and the sources of potential damage. In most cases, we can tell a lot from a visual inspection of the area.
If there is visible mold growth present, you may not even need to pay for mold testing. It isn’t our state, but The Minnesota Department of Health has good information on some limitations of mold testing, and reasons why a visual inspection of the area is often enough.

What is Involved in a Visual Inspection?

A visual inspection is what it sounds like. You, or your inspector, should take a close look around for any sign of damage or potential for water intrusion. See the list below for some common things to look for.

  • Visible mold growth
  • Visible water staining
  • Water in the crawl space
  • Improper grading around house/office
  • Irrigation systems too close to building
  • Improper attic insulation or ventilation
  • High humidity levels
  • Leaks under sinks or in other areas

Keep in mind that this is only a partial list. A good visual inspection should give you a good idea of what is going on in your home or office with regards to water & drainage, air flow in the building, and the general state of any appliance or equipment that is likely to be an issue.

A Virtual, or Remote, Mold Inspection

The quickest and easiest form of inspection we offer is the virtual, or remote, mold inspection. This is just like the regular visual inspection, but you show us around with your phone camera. This is best when you have a question like, “Is this spot black mold?” or when you are out of our service area but still want us to take a look at something. There are many more reasons to choose a virtual inspection, and we have a whole page dedicated to what exactly they are, how they work, and what we can do virtually. See Virtual Mold Inspections.

Inspections with Mold Testing

There are times when a more thorough inspection is needed to look into things that you cannot see on the surface. In most cases, we advise conducting mold testing before any invasive procedures like opening walls or floors. This allows us to help you identify mold problems without requiring unnecessary repairs.

There are many different types of testing that can help tell you what is going on with the air quality of your home or office, and the levels of mold present. Visit our Mold Testing page to learn more.

More Intrusive Methods of Mold Inspection

If mold tests indicate that you have an unseen issue, more intrusive methods of investigation may be needed to locate the problem. We would still want to be tactical and create as little destruction as possible. This could include looking under baseboards, behind walls, and in floor and ceiling cavities.

Comprehensive Mold and Water Inspections

A comprehensive inspection is a version of one of the above on-site mold inspections coupled with a complete analysis of potential water intrusion issues. By inspecting your home with the latest in moisture detection, infra-red technology, and knowledge of building science, we supply you with a complete map of your home that shows current problems and potential future issues with water intrusion and mold growth.

Whole Home Air Quality Assessments

The quality of indoor air is more than just eliminating mold growth. There are many other things that can cause health and wellness problems in your home. Depending on your circumstances, we may recommend testing and ongoing monitoring for the following:

  • Mold Spores
  • Mycotoxins
  • VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds)
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Carbon Dioxide (at unsafe levels)
  • Radon
  • Asbestos
  • Lead
  • Levels of Particulate Matter

The Mold Inspection Process


Schedule An Appointment

Contact Indiana Mold Remediation to schedule your inspection. We will find out what kind of inspection you want and need and get an appointment time scheduled. We may also send you some supplemental information regarding mold, inspections, and/or testing.

Inspection and Analysis

For remote inspections, see the Virtual Inspections page. For on site inspections, we will arrive on time, inquire as to any particular concerns you may have, perform a thorough inspection, and answer any remaining questions you may have.

Receive the Results

We will provide you with any reports, test results, analysis, etc. as applicable. If mold was found, we will supply you with an estimate to perform the remediation and answer any remaining questions you may have.

Assess Your Options

Decide whether you need further inspections and testing, or if it’s time to proceed with remediation. If you decide to contract Indiana Mold Remediation, contact us to schedule. If you decide to tackle the remediation yourself, we are available for consulting, pre-and post testing, and/or additional inspections to help you through the process.
Mold inspection under sink

Got a question?
No problem.

We are always ready to help with the answers.

Or call (317) 867-4766  – (también en español)

Mold Inspection FAQ

Frequently asked questions about mold inspections. Please contact us for more information or if you have additional questions.

How Much Does a Mold Inspection Cost?

The cost of a mold inspection can vary depending on your location, the size of your home or business, and the type of inspection to be done. As of this writing (April 2024), the cost of a visual inspection could be a few hundred dollars; however, you could avoid that cost altogether with a free virtual inspection in our local service area.

For more extensive inspections, or in cases where travel would be required, the costs can go up from there. We recommend contacting us for a free 15 minute phone consultation to help assess your needs and get a quote on any additional inspections or testing.

Do I Need Mold Testing?

You do not need mold testing in many cases. As noted above, a visual inspection of the area can often be enough to determine the extent of the mold damage and the steps needed for remediation. This could be an on-site inspection, or you could show us around remotely on your phone for a virtual inspection.

In cases where mold testing is need, or desired, see our mold testing page or contact us for more information.

What Do Mold Inspectors Do?

Mold inspectors examine the property in question for areas of mold growth, or potential mold growth. This can include tracking down the source(s) of water intrusion, determining the steps to be taken for remediation, identifying areas of concern for future mold and water issues, mold testing, or even testing for other contaminants such as radon.

In some cases, an invasive inspection is needed; walls need to be opened, flooring needs to be removed, etc. Often, though, a visual inspection or some form of testing will suffice without resorting to such measures. We can even perform a virtual inspection with you using your phone’s camera.

How Do I Know If Mold is in the Walls?

Mold inside walls or other hidden areas can be difficult to locate or assess without opening the cavity. While that is an option, it isn’t always necessary or desired. Often, you can determine the probability of hidden mold by taking all the factors into account and assessing the situation.

A wall with no history of water damage, no musty smell, and no other readily visible indicators of mold is unlikely to have a mold problem inside the walls. Conversely, a mold in a high humidity area, with mold behind the baseboards, May be an ideal candidate for a more invasive inspection.

Still Need Help Locating or Identifying Mold Issues?

Don't let uncertainty hold you back any longer. Begin your journey to a healthier, mold-free environment today. Reach out to Indiana Mold Remediation about your mold issues for a no-obligation 15 minute consultation at no cost.

Schedule My Free Consultation